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Alabama Senate passes ban on abortion, with few exceptions

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
No exceptions for incest or rape? It is Alabama, after all.

Now that the interweb is properly outraged because the 'right' to kill a baby in the womb has been infringed upon maybe there can be an honest discussion about how fucked up Roe v Wade was in the first place. Never mind that the suit, at its heart, was about privacy, not the 'right' to abortion.

Then there was the matter that really got the protesters, on both sides of the issue, really riled up. SCOTUS didn't wait for case law or a challenge to existing state laws regarding abortion to come before them. They legislated from the bench (the same way they did with same sex marriage.) and wove a new law from whole cloth.

Now states like Alabama and Georgia are enacting laws that are punitive, and rightfully so. Each individual state should be challenging the legality of Roe and legislate their own abortion laws and let those laws wind their way through the courts to determine their status.

There are a lot of Hollywood types calling for boycotts of both states. That's fine. They're entitled to their opinions, I suppose. But if Georgia or Alabama wanted California type leadership, Stacy Abrams would be Governor. Fuck 'em.



I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.
Bronze Member
It's a stupid law created by men who don't know what it's like for women to give birth.


Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member
It's a stupid law created by men who don't know what it's like for women to give birth.

That's what this boils down to. Even the signings shw rooms full of middle- to old-age white men, beaming with pride, because they STILL, in this day and age, rule over women.

And never mnind all that bullshit the right wing loves to chant about taking our country back or get the government out of our lifes, and less reguklation. Bitch PLEASE. If you are Black or female (A.K.A "The Ni$$er of the World", as Lennon so rightfully put it), Alabama and similar states make sure, you stay in your place


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.

Straight Shooter

1,000 posts to go for my own user title!
You know you have a problem when Tomi Lahren and Pat Robertson are calling you extreme lol

What exactly makes these people "pro-life"? They're pro-death penalty, they're pro-war, they're pro-gun. These are the same people that are gutting people's healthcare, they're gutting education and they're gutting the safety net. But they're "pro-life" right? Bullshit. These people are the biggest group of frauds you'll ever meet. And that's on top of the fact that these are the same people that are always harping on about small government and getting the guv'ment out of their lives. I said this before and I'll continue to say it. They cannot call themselves pro-life. They're pro-birth. There's a difference. Frauds. All of them. And I'll continue to tell them that to their faces



I don't know and frankly I don't care.
You know you have a problem when Tomi Lahren and Pat Robertson are calling you extreme lol

What exactly makes these people "pro-life"? They're pro-death penalty, they're pro-war, they're pro-gun. These are the same people that are gutting people's healthcare, they're gutting education and they're gutting the safety net. But they're "pro-life" right? Bullshit. These people are the biggest group of frauds you'll ever meet. And that's on top of the fact that these are the same people that are always harping on about small government and getting the guv'ment out of their lives. I said this before and I'll continue to say it. They cannot call themselves pro-life. They're pro-birth. There's a difference. Frauds. All of them. And I'll continue to tell them that to their faces

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Dem be balabamians....
Dey be not known 4 dere smartses.


I'm too lazy to set a usertitle.

When even Pat Robertson thinks you're going to far, that tells a lot abot how extreme you went...


Will strip for money!
You know you have a problem when Tomi Lahren and Pat Robertson are calling you extreme lol

What exactly makes these people "pro-life"? They're pro-death penalty, they're pro-war, they're pro-gun. These are the same people that are gutting people's healthcare, they're gutting education and they're gutting the safety net. But they're "pro-life" right? Bullshit. These people are the biggest group of frauds you'll ever meet. And that's on top of the fact that these are the same people that are always harping on about small government and getting the guv'ment out of their lives. I said this before and I'll continue to say it. They cannot call themselves pro-life. They're pro-birth. There's a difference. Frauds. All of them. And I'll continue to tell them that to their faces

View attachment 716818

I would agree - My thought is less argument on abortion and more work on caring for people.
Out foster care and adoption policies and laws need to be re-evaluated.

However, it has become the practice of Congress not to do anything. Ever. They create agencies that are not democratic and push authority to them. They spend their time trying to figure out how to block the current president from getting anything done or how to get him out of office. (Regardless of which party is in office)

People say that elections are the only term limits we need. I have never had the opportunity to vote for or against Nancy and Mitch. Tell me, how is that remotely democratic.

The abortion argument, the wall, impeachment are all focuses on non-productivity.